Monday, July 21, 2008

Nine things to know - coming soon

  1. Your lawn and the real story about grass
  2. The keys to proper personal hygiene
  3. Golf secrets they don't want you to know
  4. The truth about choosing PC or a Mac
  5. Stocks and investing - the most important thing
  6. Trading in (selling) your car
  7. Home recording studio myths busted
  8. Get rid of that hot tub
  9. Time, perception, and the endless summer

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Apparently, there are no exceptions

Nope. There isn't an easy way; not as far as I can tell. To create real success - money and satisfaction - everything requires effort bordering on obsession and the ability to handle risk. You can be oblivious to the risk, and avoid having to swallow hard, but it's there. Apparently, there are no exceptions. You can take it easy, and not "go hard", but you'll fail. Oh yes you will. Even if you do everything right, you can still crash.

Too bad huh?

There is a chance that [insert unexplored notion] might get us there.