I changed a set of strings (classical guitar) and discovered that in spite of the fact that I was tying it correctly, the E-string (treble) kept slipping the knot. That's crazy. I looped it three time s and it still slipped. I was using D'Addario Pro Arte EJ50 hard tension black nylons. I've never experienced this slipping before - even after I tossed in an extra loop. However, here's a terrific fix. I thought of it myself (that gives me naming rights). I'll call it "The Ten Bucks Worth Fix". Nice huh?
Try this: Pull out your satchel of rosin that you use on your violin. My violin has metal strings, so the rosin is extra sticky, but any rosin will do. Give the tail of your E-string a rubbadubdub with the rosin and then go ahead and tie it in there. Two loops and no slippage whatsoever. Sweet!
Thank you... Thank you very much.
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