Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Lucidity and the facts in the way

We'll search for, find (whenever possible) and use the impressions, emotions or facts in our experience that serve us best or support our current view of "reality". We'll also shape that reality - without even knowing - to be as kind as possible. As it turns out, we humans are naturally quite good at kidding ourselves. This applies to our view of the past, present and future. In particular, our ability to see (predict) the future and make choices about the future, are completely affected by this condition. In other words, we consistently mispredict. It’s really quite amazing how well and how consistently we do this.

We'll find a logical basis for dismissing objects that don't fit. This is an extremely important thing to realize. Accepting this condition and using it to help prevent us from acting on a distorted (bordering on delusional) reality, and knowing that others do, represents a competitive edge.

More later...

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