Friday, November 23, 2007

Hey you - with the bass... back it off a hair.

Some music is recorded with bass frequencies that push speaker limits. Not just loud - I can appreciate loud. I'm talking about the bass that on anything but giant high-end equipment, flaps, hums and chatters. If I listen to it on decent gear it's noticeable, almost tolerable (still not enjoyable) but not quite as annoying. In the car or something less worthy, it's nasty (bad nasty, not good nasty).

Push that file around and mash it into an mp3 and sometimes it gets so bad, the track is painful. Curiously, sometimes it gets better. I'm guessing that the compression process might edit away some of the extreme bits.

I'm seeing this more often as people use digital tools to make and produce music. The temptation to take the bottom to "that place" should be resisted. Nothing has to shake - really. Move that thing back will you please.

There... now isn't that better?

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