Saturday, February 23, 2008

D'oh Ideafest

Take some time with others to brainstorm new business ideas and ways to make money. You'll come with some great stuff. You'll be jazzed. Then - upon closer inspection and research - you'll learn that almost all the really hot ideas you come up with have already been done.

Well that sucks.


Then what?

You keep going... or you stop.

Right. I get it. I think.

You could investigate brainstorming as its own thing. That way you can get nicely tangled in the fundamentals of the techique, make your sessions last a long time. In textbook brainstorming technique, you're not allowed to be negative (rules - see: Applied Imagination by Alex F. Osborn ~ from a half century ago - might not be much fun), and things take forever to find their way to the waste basket.

Well gee thanks, that was helpful.

Ya, it's a problem. There are lots of things to get in the way. If there weren't, everyone would be doing it.

It seems like everyone already has.

Go to your room and don't move.

Can I move now?

Not yet.

How about now?


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