Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Story, the Story, the Story!

Yup, those reality and contest shows seem to keep coming one after the other. They're relatively inexpensive to produce (compared to a drama series for instance), and capture the viewer's interest.

In my opinion, it is "Story" that makes this an interesting genre. The unexpected hero or the rise of the oppressed can move people's emotions. When you touch this sensitive spot with even a hint of genuine feeling, you have something.

The rapid increase in the number of these shows may have diluted (some say polluted) the idea somewhat, but occasionally some quite nice stories are told. It's not really ever about the competition, it (sorry to use this expression) is all about "the story". Yes indeed.

This clip from the Britain's Got Talent show delivers a good example. The audience is amazed, thrilled and touched by the story.

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