Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Explaining concepts & "things" - diagrams etc.

People have come up with a lot of ways to "illustrate" the point or the process. Some techniques work pretty well, while others makes eyes cross. Still, if you choose the appropriate method and get it to make sense, you can really help your case.

I like this stuff.

Here is a link (somebody please tell me when or if it breaks) to a clever basket of formats, diagrams and methods of communicating ideas. It's set up like a periodic table and a mouse-over reveals a look at the method. Pretty clever. It's definitely not as clever as the table of elements (it just borrows the layout), but it's worth a look.

For more than 10 years, I've had a period table of elements on the wall of my office. Not because I want to have a handy reference to the elements - I mean, I get the idea but it's not something I use. I think it's an elegant piece of work. Hey - "everything" is there. Literally everything, all on one chart that you can put on your wall. How's that for a comprehensive document?

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