Sunday, January 21, 2007

Simple - Complex - Simple, and the next big thing

We've seen the value in the organized resource that the Internet has become. The truth is that it is far from organized. In my opinion, it is still relative chaos. Google (search capability in general) represents the single most important evolutionary influence on the Internet. Establishing routes (search results) and "Monetizing" search with advertising makes sense and has produced big winners, big bucks (world's greatest understatment) and big improvements for users. There is however, a long way to go and more to to.

I think there should be a more clever way of describing it, but someone coined the phrase "Web 2.0" . Others have tried to define 3.0 and 4.0 etc. At best, it's an abstract way to bring up the idea that there is more to do.

It essentially means: "The next wave of benefit to be realized by a network of limitless proportions." The idea is that we would create applications, systems and processes that get richer / smarter / better, the more people use them. This would evolve to "harness the collective intelligence" of huge numbers of contributors. This would include the ability to evaluate relevancy, filter noise and sharpen conclusions. Yes, it has to repackage things. We can't deal with the volume.

This idea has a conceptual shape right now. I can imagine it. The idea is simple, but the mechanics present outrageous complexity. On the other side of this complexity lies the other kind of "simple" that will pull this off.


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